Do not be eager in your heart to be angry, For anger resides in the bosom of fools.

Kohelet 7:9

Alexander Yudin

Alexander Yudin

  • Information source


Family tree

Alexander Yudin

(September 18, 1908September 18, 1908 Gregorian
September 5, 1908 Julian
Elul 22, 5668 Hebrew
- January 3, 1983January 3, 1983 Gregorian
December 21, 1982 Julian
Teveth 18, 5743 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg)

(May 18, 1911May 18, 1911 Gregorian
May 5, 1911 Julian
Iyar 20, 5671 Hebrew
- 19931993 Gregorian
1992 Julian
5753 Hebrew
, Israel)

(August 11, 1937August 11, 1937 Gregorian
July 29, 1937 Julian
Elul 4, 5697 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg - January 24, 2014January 24, 2014 Gregorian
January 11, 2014 Julian
Shevat 23, 5774 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg)


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