When the shepherd becomes angry with his flock he appoints for a leader one which is blind.

Baba Kamma 52a

Alfred Adler

Alfred Adler

  • Occupation types
    Socio-intellectual activity –

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • teacher,
    • lawyer,
    • doctor,
    • journalist, etc.
    Scholarly activity -
    activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.

    This type of activity includes following areas:

    • science,
    • philosophy,
    • theology, etc.
  • Comments
    Австрийский психолог, психиатр и мыслитель, один из предшественников неофрейдизма, создатель системы индивидуальной психологии. В 1904 г., в год рождения своего единственного сына Курта, Альфред Адлер стал лютеранином.

Family tree

Alfred Adler

(February 7, 1870February 7, 1870 Gregorian
January 26, 1870 Julian
Adar 6, 5630 Hebrew
, Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus, 15Th District Of Vienna - May 28, 1937May 28, 1937 Gregorian
May 15, 1937 Julian
Sivan 18, 5697 Hebrew
, Aberdeen)

(January 26, 1835January 26, 1835 Gregorian
January 14, 1835 Julian
Teveth 25, 5595 Hebrew
, Kittz - 19121912 Gregorian
1911 Julian
5672 Hebrew
, Vienna)

(January, 1845January, 1845 Gregorian
December, 1844 Julian
Teveth, 5605 Hebrew
, Třebíč - 19061906 Gregorian
1905 Julian
5666 Hebrew
, Vienna)

(November 9, 1872November 9, 1872 Gregorian
October 28, 1872 Julian
Cheshvan 8, 5633 Hebrew
, Moscow - April 21, 1962April 21, 1962 Gregorian
April 8, 1962 Julian
Nisan 17, 5722 Hebrew
, New York)

(August 7, 1898August 7, 1898 Gregorian
July 26, 1898 Julian
Av 19, 5658 Hebrew
- August 31, 1937August 31, 1937 Gregorian
August 18, 1937 Julian
Elul 24, 5697 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(September 24, 1901September 24, 1901 Gregorian
September 11, 1901 Julian
Tishrei 11, 5662 Hebrew
, Vienna - January 4, 2001January 4, 2001 Gregorian
December 22, 2000 Julian
Teveth 9, 5761 Hebrew
, New York)

(19041904 Gregorian
1903 Julian
5664 Hebrew
, Vienna - May, 1997May, 1997 Gregorian
April, 1997 Julian
Nisan, 5757 Hebrew
, New York)

(October 18, 1909October 18, 1909 Gregorian
October 5, 1909 Julian
Cheshvan 3, 5670 Hebrew
- )


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