Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.

Albert Einstein

Isaak Anvaer

Isaak Anvaer

  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Technical activity –
    activity directed to the resolution of technological problems, in the broad sense.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • engineer,
    • technical designer,
    • technologist,
    • agriculturalist, etc.
  • Comments
    Инженер-механик. Окончил ИМТУ в 1902г. по специальности инженер-механик. Был заведующим чугуно-литейным заводом. Москва, Грузины. Завод бывш. "Мориц Пальм". Кудринская пл., дом 1, Завѣд. чугунно-литейн. и механ. завод. «Мандель-штамъ Я. и Эфруси Ш.› Пл. Восстания, 1, кв. 6, т. 2-59-28. (Госторг РСФСР). Поступив в ВТУ (?), первым получил право жительства в Москве. Тогда все его родственники стали писаться Анваерами.


Family tree

Isaak Anvaer

(June 12, 1877June 12, 1877 Gregorian
May 31, 1877 Julian
Tammuz 1, 5637 Hebrew
- August 26, 1932August 26, 1932 Gregorian
August 13, 1932 Julian
Av 24, 5692 Hebrew

(before 1857before 1857 Gregorian
before 1856 Julian
before 5617 Hebrew
- )

(before 1857before 1857 Gregorian
before 1856 Julian
before 5617 Hebrew
- 19881988 Gregorian
1987 Julian
5748 Hebrew

(October 31, 1879October 31, 1879 Gregorian
October 19, 1879 Julian
Cheshvan 14, 5640 Hebrew
- January 20, 1956January 20, 1956 Gregorian
January 7, 1956 Julian
Shevat 7, 5716 Hebrew

(June 9, 1908June 9, 1908 Gregorian
May 27, 1908 Julian
Sivan 10, 5668 Hebrew
, Moscow - May 20, 1997May 20, 1997 Gregorian
May 7, 1997 Julian
Iyar 13, 5757 Hebrew

(December 24, 1911December 24, 1911 Gregorian
December 11, 1911 Julian
Teveth 3, 5672 Hebrew
- September 16, 1992September 16, 1992 Gregorian
September 3, 1992 Julian
Elul 18, 5752 Hebrew


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