If someone comes to kill you,- kill him!

Talmud, Berakhot

Heina Elyashev

Heina Elyashev

Heina Elyashev
  • Tags
  • Comments
    Хьена Эльяшева (дочь ковенского раввина, сестра еврейского литературного критика Исроэла Бал-Махшовеса בעל-מחשבות).
  • Information source
    русская википедия Исаак Штейнберг; https://imwerden.de/pdf/steinberg_proza_filosofa_2014.pdf


Family tree

Heina Elyashev

(18661866 Gregorian
1865 Julian
5626 Hebrew
- )

(18341834 Gregorian
1833 Julian
5594 Hebrew
- 19071907 Gregorian
1906 Julian
5667 Hebrew

(18391839 Gregorian
1838 Julian
5599 Hebrew
- )

(18581858 Gregorian
1857 Julian
5618 Hebrew
, Vilno - 19321932 Gregorian
1931 Julian
5692 Hebrew

(July 13, 1888July 13, 1888 Gregorian
July 1, 1888 Julian
Av 5, 5648 Hebrew
, Dvinsk - January 2, 1957January 2, 1957 Gregorian
December 20, 1956 Julian
Teveth 29, 5717 Hebrew
, New York)

(18911891 Gregorian
1890 Julian
5651 Hebrew
, Dvinsk - 19751975 Gregorian
1974 Julian
5735 Hebrew
, London)


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