How can one take delight in the world unless one flees to it for refuge?

Franz Kafka

Nissim Shihman

Nissim Shihman

Nissim Shihman


Family tree

Nissim Shihman

(18631863 Gregorian
1862 Julian
5623 Hebrew
, Чернигов - 19361936 Gregorian
1935 Julian
5696 Hebrew

(18651865 Gregorian
1864 Julian
5625 Hebrew
, Чернигов - 19431943 Gregorian
1942 Julian
5703 Hebrew

(18881888 Gregorian
1887 Julian
5648 Hebrew
, Knyazheve - September 18, 1962September 18, 1962 Gregorian
September 5, 1962 Julian
Elul 19, 5722 Hebrew
, Kryzhopil)

(Knyazheve - )

(18981898 Gregorian
1897 Julian
5658 Hebrew
, Kryzhopil - December 25, 1975December 25, 1975 Gregorian
December 12, 1975 Julian
Teveth 21, 5736 Hebrew
, Kaunas)

(19001900 Gregorian
1899 Julian
5660 Hebrew
, Knyazheve - 19571957 Gregorian
1956 Julian
5717 Hebrew

(19021902 Gregorian
1901 Julian
5662 Hebrew
- )

(19051905 Gregorian
1904 Julian
5665 Hebrew
- 19961996 Gregorian
1995 Julian
5756 Hebrew
, San Francisco)

(19101910 Gregorian
1909 Julian
5670 Hebrew
- )


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