Unknown Kaplinsky
Unknown Kaplinsky
about 1940about 1940 Gregorian
about 1939 Julian
about 5700 Hebrew -
- Parents
- Partners
Family tree
(19091909 Gregorian
1908 Julian
5669 Hebrew, Mirgorod - December 19, 1942December 19, 1942 Gregorian
December 6, 1942 Julian
Teveth 11, 5703 Hebrew)
(November, 1915November, 1915 Gregorian
October, 1915 Julian
Cheshvan, 5676 Hebrew - May 5, 1992May 5, 1992 Gregorian
April 22, 1992 Julian
Iyar 2, 5752 Hebrew, Pikovo, Tashkent, Odessa)
(July 28, 1938July 28, 1938 Gregorian
July 15, 1938 Julian
Tammuz 29, 5698 Hebrew - July 19, 1990July 19, 1990 Gregorian
July 6, 1990 Julian
Tammuz 26, 5750 Hebrew)
This information was published by the user Vladimir Shufotinskij. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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