When the shepherd becomes angry with his flock he appoints for a leader one which is blind.

Baba Kamma 52a

Lev Mandelshtam

Lev Mandelshtam

Lev Mandelshtam
  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Enterprise -
    activity related to business and commercial work.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • manager,
    • businessman,
    • director,
    • high-level bureaucrat, etc.
  • Tags
    Jewish, 1st/2nd guild merchants,
  • Comments
    МАосковский купец 1 гильдии. Торгует мануфактурным товаром.В купечестве сост. съ 2 половины 1879 . Яузск. ч., 1 уч , на Мясницкой, в ъ д. Масленникова. Торг. галантерейным товаром Город. ч., въ Черкасскомъ пер., въ д. Кознова.
  • Information source
    Купцы Москвы за 1881г.


Family tree

Lev Mandelshtam

(18341834 Gregorian
1833 Julian
5594 Hebrew
- 18861886 Gregorian
1885 Julian
5646 Hebrew

(18031803 Gregorian
1802 Julian
5563 Hebrew
, Novo-Zhagory - )

(18041804 Gregorian
1803 Julian
5564 Hebrew
- )

(18711871 Gregorian
1870 Julian
5631 Hebrew
- )

(18721872 Gregorian
1871 Julian
5632 Hebrew
- 19381938 Gregorian
1937 Julian
5698 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(18731873 Gregorian
1872 Julian
5633 Hebrew
- January 6, 1947January 6, 1947 Gregorian
December 24, 1946 Julian
Teveth 14, 5707 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(18761876 Gregorian
1875 Julian
5636 Hebrew
- )

(18781878 Gregorian
1877 Julian
5638 Hebrew
- )

(18791879 Gregorian
1878 Julian
5639 Hebrew
- May 15, 1929May 15, 1929 Gregorian
May 2, 1929 Julian
Iyar 5, 5689 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(18811881 Gregorian
1880 Julian
5641 Hebrew
- )


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