A name made great is a name destroyed. He who does not increase his knowledge decreases it

Hillel the Elder

Louis Charles Taraschansky (Tarash)

Louis Charles Taraschansky (Tarash)

  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Socio-intellectual activity –

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • teacher,
    • lawyer,
    • doctor,
    • journalist, etc.
    Scholarly activity -
    activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.

    This type of activity includes following areas:

    • science,
    • philosophy,
    • theology, etc.
    Enterprise -
    activity related to business and commercial work.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • manager,
    • businessman,
    • director,
    • high-level bureaucrat, etc.
  • Tags
  • Comments
    Имя при рождении Хаим-Лейб. Louis Charles Taracsh (Луи Савельевич Таращанский), в каких-то источниках видел вместо Луи - Людвиг. Возможно его имя в России было Хаим Лейб. Уехал в Ливерпуль в 1904-1905 гг. (приезжал в Харьков и Москвы в июле 1934 года) 22 февраля 1908 года женился в Нью-Йорке (http://marriage-divorce-records.mooseroots.com/l/102602597/Louis-Tarasch) http://www.freepatentsonline.com/2804389.html


Family tree

Louis Charles Taraschansky (Tarash)

(April 12, 1885April 12, 1885 Gregorian
March 31, 1885 Julian
Nisan 27, 5645 Hebrew
, Yelisavetgrad - January, 1963January, 1963 Gregorian
December, 1962 Julian
Teveth, 5723 Hebrew
, Mayami)

(18491849 Gregorian
1848 Julian
5609 Hebrew
- 19011901 Gregorian
1900 Julian
5661 Hebrew

(18521852 Gregorian
1851 Julian
5612 Hebrew
- 19231923 Gregorian
1922 Julian
5683 Hebrew

(about 1883about 1883 Gregorian
about 1882 Julian
about 5643 Hebrew
, Russian Empire - 19721972 Gregorian
1971 Julian
5732 Hebrew
, Florida)

(about 1910about 1910 Gregorian
about 1909 Julian
about 5670 Hebrew
- September 13, 1934September 13, 1934 Gregorian
August 31, 1934 Julian
Tishrei 4, 5695 Hebrew
, New York)

(January 7, 1914January 7, 1914 Gregorian
December 25, 1913 Julian
Teveth 9, 5674 Hebrew
- October 8, 2006October 8, 2006 Gregorian
September 25, 2006 Julian
Tishrei 16, 5767 Hebrew

(February 7, 1920February 7, 1920 Gregorian
January 25, 1920 Julian
Shevat 18, 5680 Hebrew
, New York - April 28, 2007April 28, 2007 Gregorian
April 15, 2007 Julian
Iyar 10, 5767 Hebrew


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