Pesia Melehovich
Pesia Melehovich
18271827 Gregorian
1826 Julian
5587 Hebrew -
after 1892after 1892 Gregorian
after 1891 Julian
after 5652 Hebrew -
- Parents
- Partners
- Children
Family tree
Pesia Melehovich
(18271827 Gregorian
1826 Julian
5587 Hebrew - after 1892after 1892 Gregorian
after 1891 Julian
after 5652 Hebrew)
(17841784 Gregorian
1783 Julian
5544 Hebrew - 18791879 Gregorian
1878 Julian
5639 Hebrew)
(17941794 Gregorian
1793 Julian
5554 Hebrew, Jurbarkas - March 30, 1884March 30, 1884 Gregorian
March 18, 1884 Julian
Nisan 4, 5644 Hebrew, Irkutsk)
(about 1847about 1847 Gregorian
about 1846 Julian
about 5607 Hebrew, Irkutsk - 19231923 Gregorian
1922 Julian
5683 Hebrew)
This information was published by the user Benjamen Kretz. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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