The only purpose of truth is that one knows it is the truth.


Rose Samuel

Rose Samuel

Rose Samuel


Family tree

Rose Samuel

(18041804 Gregorian
1803 Julian
5564 Hebrew
- 18741874 Gregorian
1873 Julian
5634 Hebrew

(17751775 Gregorian
1774 Julian
5535 Hebrew
, Kempen - March 24, 1835March 24, 1835 Gregorian
March 12, 1835 Julian
Adar 23, 5595 Hebrew
, Liverpool)

(18001800 Gregorian
1799 Julian
5560 Hebrew
- January 29, 1866January 29, 1866 Gregorian
January 17, 1866 Julian
Shevat 13, 5626 Hebrew
, Southport)

(18271827 Gregorian
1826 Julian
5587 Hebrew
- )

(18291829 Gregorian
1828 Julian
5589 Hebrew
, Liverpool - )


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