Neurosis is the inability to tolerate ambiguity

Sigmund Freud

Valentina Tarasenko (Blatt)

Valentina Tarasenko (Blatt)

Valentina Tarasenko (Blatt)
  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Scholarly activity -
    activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.

    This type of activity includes following areas:

    • science,
    • philosophy,
    • theology, etc.


Family tree

Valentina Tarasenko (Blatt)

(May 18, 1927May 18, 1927 Gregorian
May 5, 1927 Julian
Iyar 16, 5687 Hebrew
, Kharkov - Kharkov)

(about 1890about 1890 Gregorian
about 1889 Julian
about 5650 Hebrew
- after 1960after 1960 Gregorian
after 1959 Julian
after 5720 Hebrew
, Kharkov)

(about April 24, 1951about April 24, 1951 Gregorian
about April 11, 1951 Julian
about Nisan 18, 5711 Hebrew
, Kharkov - )

(March 5, 1961March 5, 1961 Gregorian
February 20, 1961 Julian
Adar 17, 5721 Hebrew
, Kharkov - )


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