Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.

Sigmund Freud

Henrietta Samuel

Henrietta Samuel

Henrietta Samuel


Family tree

Henrietta Samuel

(18101810 Gregorian
1809 Julian
5570 Hebrew
- 18451845 Gregorian
1844 Julian
5605 Hebrew

(17751775 Gregorian
1774 Julian
5535 Hebrew
- 18731873 Gregorian
1872 Julian
5633 Hebrew

(17821782 Gregorian
1781 Julian
5542 Hebrew
- 18591859 Gregorian
1858 Julian
5619 Hebrew

(February 5, 1801February 5, 1801 Gregorian
January 24, 1801 Julian
Shevat 22, 5561 Hebrew
, Frankfurt Am Main - October 20, 1882October 20, 1882 Gregorian
October 8, 1882 Julian
Cheshvan 7, 5643 Hebrew
, London)

(18291829 Gregorian
1828 Julian
5589 Hebrew
- 19021902 Gregorian
1901 Julian
5662 Hebrew

(18301830 Gregorian
1829 Julian
5590 Hebrew
- 18641864 Gregorian
1863 Julian
5624 Hebrew

(January 13, 1836January 13, 1836 Gregorian
January 1, 1836 Julian
Teveth 23, 5596 Hebrew
, London - September 29, 1894September 29, 1894 Gregorian
September 17, 1894 Julian
Elul 28, 5654 Hebrew

(18401840 Gregorian
1839 Julian
5600 Hebrew
- 19031903 Gregorian
1902 Julian
5663 Hebrew


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