What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

Kohelet 1:9

Nikolaj Vorobev

Nikolaj Vorobev

Nikolaj Vorobev


Family tree

Nikolaj Vorobev

(19031903 Gregorian
1902 Julian
5663 Hebrew
, Plotovec - 19911991 Gregorian
1990 Julian
5751 Hebrew
, Osipovichi)

(19131913 Gregorian
1912 Julian
5673 Hebrew
, Osipovichi - 19851985 Gregorian
1984 Julian
5745 Hebrew
, Osipovichi)

(19351935 Gregorian
1934 Julian
5695 Hebrew
, Osipovichi - )

(19381938 Gregorian
1937 Julian
5698 Hebrew
, Osipovichi - )

(19471947 Gregorian
1946 Julian
5707 Hebrew
, Osipovichi - 20052005 Gregorian
2004 Julian
5765 Hebrew
, Haifa)

(19501950 Gregorian
1949 Julian
5710 Hebrew
, Osipovichi - )

(19521952 Gregorian
1951 Julian
5712 Hebrew
, Osipovichi - )


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