In Jewish history there are no coincidences.

Elie Wiesel

Sоlomon Salomons

Sоlomon Salomons

Sоlomon Salomons
  • Information source


Family tree

Sоlomon Salomons

(17271727 Gregorian
1726 Julian
5487 Hebrew
- March 2, 1807March 2, 1807 Gregorian
February 18, 1807 Julian
Adar 22, 5567 Hebrew
, London)

(January 16, 1774January 16, 1774 Gregorian
January 5, 1774 Julian
Shevat 4, 5534 Hebrew
, London - January 27, 1843January 27, 1843 Gregorian
January 15, 1843 Julian
Shevat 26, 5603 Hebrew
, London)

( - December 26, 1839December 26, 1839 Gregorian
December 14, 1839 Julian
Teveth 19, 5600 Hebrew
, London)


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