Anna Haya Luker
Anna Haya Luker
- Parents
- Partners
- Children
Family tree
(18831883 Gregorian
1882 Julian
5643 Hebrew, Zatishnoe, Donetsk Oblast - 19631963 Gregorian
1962 Julian
5723 Hebrew, Donetsk)
(18841884 Gregorian
1883 Julian
5644 Hebrew - 19741974 Gregorian
1973 Julian
5734 Hebrew)
(19361936 Gregorian
1935 Julian
5696 Hebrew - 19951995 Gregorian
1994 Julian
5755 Hebrew)
(19401940 Gregorian
1939 Julian
5700 Hebrew - 19521952 Gregorian
1951 Julian
5712 Hebrew)
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