...Everything is vanity and chasing after the wind.

Kohelet 1:14

Rudolf Peierls

Rudolf Peierls

  • Occupation types
    Scholarly activity -
    activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.

    This type of activity includes following areas:

    • science,
    • philosophy,
    • theology, etc.
  • Comments
    Физик-теоретик. Участник Манхетовского проекта. Р.Пайерлс сделал блестящую карьеру, исследуя атомное ядро и его применение в военных целях. Он стал одним из главных создателей первой атомной бомбы в США.
  • Information source

Family tree

Rudolf Peierls

(June 5, 1907June 5, 1907 Gregorian
May 23, 1907 Julian
Sivan 23, 5667 Hebrew
, Берлин - September 19, 1995September 19, 1995 Gregorian
September 6, 1995 Julian
Elul 24, 5755 Hebrew
, Oxford)

(18671867 Gregorian
1866 Julian
5627 Hebrew
- 19451945 Gregorian
1944 Julian
5705 Hebrew

( - about 1921about 1921 Gregorian
about 1920 Julian
about 5681 Hebrew

(19081908 Gregorian
1907 Julian
5668 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg - 19861986 Gregorian
1985 Julian
5746 Hebrew
, Oxford)

(19351935 Gregorian
1934 Julian
5695 Hebrew
- )

(19491949 Gregorian
1948 Julian
5709 Hebrew
- )

(19331933 Gregorian
1932 Julian
5693 Hebrew
- )


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