...if not for fear of the government men would swallow each other alive.

Rabi Hanina ben Dosa

David Zilber

David Zilber

  • Occupation types
    Socio-intellectual activity –

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • teacher,
    • lawyer,
    • doctor,
    • journalist, etc.
  • Comments
    Врач-гигиенист, проф., зав. кафедрой гигиены Ленингр. фармацевтич. ин-та, автор ок. 120 науч. работ, в т. ч. 7 моногр.

Family tree

David Zilber

(July 2, 1896July 2, 1896 Gregorian
June 20, 1896 Julian
Tammuz 21, 5656 Hebrew
, Pskov - March 12, 1967March 12, 1967 Gregorian
February 27, 1967 Julian
Adar 30, 5727 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg)

(June 16, 1861June 16, 1861 Gregorian
June 4, 1861 Julian
Tammuz 8, 5621 Hebrew
, Vyborg - September 3, 1940September 3, 1940 Gregorian
August 21, 1940 Julian
Av 30, 5700 Hebrew

(18661866 Gregorian
1865 Julian
5626 Hebrew
- 19471947 Gregorian
1946 Julian
5707 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg)

(July 14, 1926July 14, 1926 Gregorian
July 1, 1926 Julian
Av 3, 5686 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg - January 21, 2003January 21, 2003 Gregorian
January 8, 2003 Julian
Shevat 18, 5763 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg)


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