...And the will returns to its circuits

Kohelet 1:6

Hendel Hishin

Hendel Hishin

Hendel Hishin
  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Enterprise -
    activity related to business and commercial work.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • manager,
    • businessman,
    • director,
    • high-level bureaucrat, etc.
  • Comments
    Купец 1 гильдии. Въ куп. сост. с 1868 г. жит. Город. ч., 3 кв., въ Нішковымъ нер., въ д. Медынцова. Торг. мануфактурнымъ товаромъ. Состоялъ нрисяжнымъ попечителемъ въ Коммерческомъ Судѣ съ 20 Декабря 1873 г. по 1876 г.
  • Information source
    Вся Москва за 1877г.


Family tree

Hendel Hishin

(18211821 Gregorian
1820 Julian
5581 Hebrew
- )

(18021802 Gregorian
1801 Julian
5562 Hebrew
, Mir - )

(18431843 Gregorian
1842 Julian
5603 Hebrew
- )

(September 22, 1872September 22, 1872 Gregorian
September 10, 1872 Julian
Elul 19, 5632 Hebrew
, Moscow - October 6, 1951October 6, 1951 Gregorian
September 23, 1951 Julian
Tishrei 6, 5712 Hebrew
, Paris)


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