Aaron Arkady Plisetsky
Aaron Arkady Plisetsky
before 1873before 1873 Gregorian
before 1872 Julian
before 5633 Hebrew -
about 1937about 1937 Gregorian
about 1936 Julian
about 5697 Hebrew -
- Parents
- Children

Worked as a manager of a country seat (an estate) of a she-prince in Poles'e.
Family tree
(before 1873before 1873 Gregorian
before 1872 Julian
before 5633 Hebrew - about 1937about 1937 Gregorian
about 1936 Julian
about 5697 Hebrew)
(about 1850about 1850 Gregorian
about 1849 Julian
about 5610 Hebrew - 19101910 Gregorian
1909 Julian
5670 Hebrew)
(August, 1900August, 1900 Gregorian
July, 1900 Julian
Av, 5660 Hebrew, Ozarichi - August 8, 1963August 8, 1963 Gregorian
July 26, 1963 Julian
Av 18, 5723 Hebrew, Kiev)
(about 1900about 1900 Gregorian
about 1899 Julian
about 5660 Hebrew - after 1970after 1970 Gregorian
after 1969 Julian
after 5730 Hebrew, Tula)
(19011901 Gregorian
1900 Julian
5661 Hebrew, Ozarichi - about 1975about 1975 Gregorian
about 1974 Julian
about 5735 Hebrew, Moscow)
(about 1903about 1903 Gregorian
about 1902 Julian
about 5663 Hebrew, Ozarichi - about 1975about 1975 Gregorian
about 1974 Julian
about 5735 Hebrew, Moscow)
(about 1905about 1905 Gregorian
about 1904 Julian
about 5665 Hebrew, Ozarichi - after 1937after 1937 Gregorian
after 1936 Julian
after 5697 Hebrew)

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