Sylvia Borisovna Ryss
Sylvia Borisovna Ryss
18901890 Gregorian
1889 Julian
5650 Hebrew Rostov-Na-Donu (Rostov-on-Don), Russia - Death
- Parents
- Partners
- Children
Occupation types
ScholarlyScholarly activity -
activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.This type of activity includes following areas:
- science,
- philosophy,
- theology, etc.
Химик. С 1910 года замужем за Шпильрейном.
Family tree
(June 14, 1887June 14, 1887 Gregorian
June 2, 1887 Julian
Sivan 22, 5647 Hebrew, Rostov-Na-Donu - January 21, 1938January 21, 1938 Gregorian
January 8, 1938 Julian
Shevat 19, 5698 Hebrew, Kommunarka, Mosk. Obl.)
(March 18, 1911March 18, 1911 Gregorian
March 5, 1911 Julian
Adar 18, 5671 Hebrew, Rostov-Na-Donu - October 20, 1979October 20, 1979 Gregorian
October 7, 1979 Julian
Tishrei 29, 5740 Hebrew, Moscow)
(19181918 Gregorian
1917 Julian
5678 Hebrew - 20022002 Gregorian
2001 Julian
5762 Hebrew, Moscow)
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