People find life entirely too time-consuming

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

GERSHON Vilenskij

GERSHON Vilenskij

GERSHON Vilenskij
  • Occupation types
    Social activity –
    activity connected with active work in society.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • politicians,
    • educators,
    • social activists,
    • rabbis, etc.
  • Information source
    Книга регистрации рождений синагоги Екатеринослава


Family tree

GERSHON Vilenskij

(September 14, 1900September 14, 1900 Gregorian
September 1, 1900 Julian
Elul 20, 5660 Hebrew
, Yekaterinoslav - April, 1974April, 1974 Gregorian
March, 1974 Julian
Nisan, 5734 Hebrew
, Днепр)

(18641864 Gregorian
1863 Julian
5624 Hebrew
, Kremenchug - 19331933 Gregorian
1932 Julian
5693 Hebrew
, Днепр)

( - 19331933 Gregorian
1932 Julian
5693 Hebrew
, Днепр)

(November 14, 1904November 14, 1904 Gregorian
November 1, 1904 Julian
Kislev 6, 5665 Hebrew
, Horodnia - February 5, 1988February 5, 1988 Gregorian
January 23, 1988 Julian
Shevat 17, 5748 Hebrew
, Makhachkala)

(March 4, 1931March 4, 1931 Gregorian
February 19, 1931 Julian
Adar 15, 5691 Hebrew
, Днепр - July 9, 2010July 9, 2010 Gregorian
June 26, 2010 Julian
Tammuz 27, 5770 Hebrew
, Jerusalem)


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