There are righteous men to whom it happens according to the deed of the wicked, and there are wicked men to whom it happens according to the deed of the righteous

Kohelet 8:14

Dora Levina

Dora Levina

Dora Levina


Family tree

Dora Levina

(18681868 Gregorian
1867 Julian
5628 Hebrew
- October 31, 1955October 31, 1955 Gregorian
October 18, 1955 Julian
Cheshvan 15, 5716 Hebrew

( - 19181918 Gregorian
1917 Julian
5678 Hebrew

(about 1850about 1850 Gregorian
about 1849 Julian
about 5610 Hebrew
- about 1937about 1937 Gregorian
about 1936 Julian
about 5697 Hebrew

(18571857 Gregorian
1856 Julian
5617 Hebrew
- May 28, 1931May 28, 1931 Gregorian
May 15, 1931 Julian
Sivan 12, 5691 Hebrew

(July 30, 1903July 30, 1903 Gregorian
July 17, 1903 Julian
Av 6, 5663 Hebrew
- March 1, 1984March 1, 1984 Gregorian
February 17, 1984 Julian
Adar 27, 5744 Hebrew


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