That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation

Hillel the Elder

Rachel Gdalia

Rachel Gdalia

Rachel Gdalia


Family tree

Rachel Gdalia

(January 4, 1908January 4, 1908 Gregorian
December 22, 1907 Julian
Shevat 1, 5668 Hebrew
- February 1, 1984February 1, 1984 Gregorian
January 19, 1984 Julian
Shevat 28, 5744 Hebrew

(January 4, 1886January 4, 1886 Gregorian
December 23, 1885 Julian
Teveth 27, 5646 Hebrew
- October 10, 1944October 10, 1944 Gregorian
September 27, 1944 Julian
Tishrei 23, 5705 Hebrew

(January 4, 1889January 4, 1889 Gregorian
December 23, 1888 Julian
Shevat 2, 5649 Hebrew
- December 14, 1961December 14, 1961 Gregorian
December 1, 1961 Julian
Teveth 7, 5722 Hebrew

(January 4, 1900January 4, 1900 Gregorian
December 23, 1899 Julian
Shevat 4, 5660 Hebrew
- March 8, 1971March 8, 1971 Gregorian
February 23, 1971 Julian
Adar 11, 5731 Hebrew

(January 4, 1931January 4, 1931 Gregorian
December 22, 1930 Julian
Teveth 15, 5691 Hebrew
- January 15, 2001January 15, 2001 Gregorian
January 2, 2001 Julian
Teveth 20, 5761 Hebrew


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