Esfir Yagoda
Esfir Yagoda
18961896 Gregorian
1895 Julian
5656 Hebrew -
June 16, 1938June 16, 1938 Gregorian
June 3, 1938 Julian
Sivan 17, 5698 Hebrew Moskovskaya Obl., Kommurnarka, Russia -
- Parents
- Partners
- Children
Occupation types
PhysicalPhysical activity -
activity related to active physical labor or interaction with nature.This type of activity includes following professions:
- sportsman,
- soldier,
- hunter, etc.
В 1909 г. приняла православие с изменением имени на Евгению. "Еврейка, б/п, жительница: Астрахани: ул. Коперника,д.21 Арест: 1938.05.06 Осужд. 1938.06.16 в особом порядке. Расстр. 1938.06.16. Место расстрела: Московская обл, Коммунарка Реаб. 1957.06.08 ВКВС СССР (Москва, расстрельные списки - Коммунарка) агб.
Information source
Family tree
Esfir Yagoda
(18961896 Gregorian
1895 Julian
5656 Hebrew - June 16, 1938June 16, 1938 Gregorian
June 3, 1938 Julian
Sivan 17, 5698 Hebrew, Moskovskaya Obl., Kommurnarka)
(March 20, 1859March 20, 1859 Gregorian
March 8, 1859 Julian
Adar_2 14, 5619 Hebrew - Москва)
(18631863 Gregorian
1862 Julian
5623 Hebrew, Simbirsk - January 14, 1940January 14, 1940 Gregorian
January 1, 1940 Julian
Shevat 4, 5700 Hebrew, Sevvostlag, Kolyma)
This information was published by the user Benjamen Kretz. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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