The fool increases words; a man does not know what will be, and what will be behind him, who will tell him?

Kohelet 10:14

Vavel'berg, Ippolit

Vavel'berg, Ippolit

Vavel'berg, Ippolit
  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Social activity –
    activity connected with active work in society.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • politicians,
    • educators,
    • social activists,
    • rabbis, etc.
    Enterprise -
    activity related to business and commercial work.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • manager,
    • businessman,
    • director,
    • high-level bureaucrat, etc.
  • Tags
    Jewish, Famous jews, 1st/2nd guild merchants,
  • Comments
    Польский финансист еврейского происхождения, меценат и общественный деятель, совладелец банковского дома в Варшаве
  • Information source
    польская википедия Ипполит Вавельберг

Family tree

Vavel'berg, Ippolit

(May 8, 1843May 8, 1843 Gregorian
April 26, 1843 Julian
Iyar 8, 5603 Hebrew
, Warsaw - October 20, 1901October 20, 1901 Gregorian
October 7, 1901 Julian
Cheshvan 7, 5662 Hebrew
, Wiesbaden)

(18161816 Gregorian
1815 Julian
5576 Hebrew
- )

(18511851 Gregorian
1850 Julian
5611 Hebrew
- 19271927 Gregorian
1926 Julian
5687 Hebrew

(18801880 Gregorian
1879 Julian
5640 Hebrew
- )

(18861886 Gregorian
1885 Julian
5646 Hebrew
- )


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