As he left his mother's womb, naked shall he return to go as he came...

Kohelet 5:14

Isidor Izrail Gessen

Isidor Izrail Gessen

Isidor Izrail Gessen
  • Occupation types
    Enterprise -
    activity related to business and commercial work.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • manager,
    • businessman,
    • director,
    • high-level bureaucrat, etc.
  • Comments
    Был управляющим Днестровской линией Русского общества пароходства и торговли. Ему было пожаловано звание потомственного гражданина Одессы "за неутомимую деятельность в трудах на пользу отечественной промышленности".
  • Information source


Family tree

Isidor Izrail Gessen

(18401840 Gregorian
1839 Julian
5600 Hebrew
- 19251925 Gregorian
1924 Julian
5685 Hebrew

(18061806 Gregorian
1805 Julian
5566 Hebrew
- 18741874 Gregorian
1873 Julian
5634 Hebrew
, Odessa)

(18071807 Gregorian
1806 Julian
5567 Hebrew
- 18711871 Gregorian
1870 Julian
5631 Hebrew

(18681868 Gregorian
1867 Julian
5628 Hebrew
- 19291929 Gregorian
1928 Julian
5689 Hebrew

(March 8, 1871March 8, 1871 Gregorian
February 24, 1871 Julian
Adar 15, 5631 Hebrew
, Odessa - July 22, 1939July 22, 1939 Gregorian
July 9, 1939 Julian
Av 6, 5699 Hebrew
, Saint Petersburg)

(18721872 Gregorian
1871 Julian
5632 Hebrew
- 19371937 Gregorian
1936 Julian
5697 Hebrew


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