Abraham Meshulam Zalman Ashkenazi
Abraham Meshulam Zalman Ashkenazi
17101710 Gregorian
1709 Julian
5470 Hebrew -
17771777 Gregorian
1776 Julian
5537 Hebrew Fastiv, Ukraine -
- Parents
- Children

Occupation types
SocialSocial activity –Artistic
activity connected with active work in society.This type of activity includes following professions:
- politicians,
- educators,
- social activists,
- rabbis, etc.
Artistic activity –Scholarly
activity related to art.This type of activity includes following professions:
- painter,
- poet,
- composer,
- writer, etc.
Scholarly activity -
activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.This type of activity includes following areas:
- science,
- philosophy,
- theology, etc.
Писатель, раввин. В течение 40 лет был раввином в Остроге; из его произведений издано "Dibre rab Meschullam" (Корец, 1789). Оно состоит из двух частей: респонсов и речей, произнесенных автором в память усопших авторитетов, и новелл к Талмуду и его комментариям, Мидрашам, Сифра и "Книге о заповедях" (תוצמה רפס) Нахманида. Там же помещены некоторые новеллы отца автора. Книга издана сыном автора, Цеви Гиршем Α., раввином в Бердичеве.
Information source
ЕЭБЕ; http://forum.j-roots.info/viewtopic.php?t=448&start=20; http://www.hebrewbooks.org/732
Family tree
Abraham Meshulam Zalman Ashkenazi
(17101710 Gregorian
1709 Julian
5470 Hebrew - 17771777 Gregorian
1776 Julian
5537 Hebrew, Fastiv)
(16581658 Gregorian
1657 Julian
5418 Hebrew, Moraviya - May 2, 1718May 2, 1718 Gregorian
April 21, 1718 Julian
Iyar 1, 5478 Hebrew, Lviv)
( - January 23, 1719January 23, 1719 Gregorian
January 12, 1719 Julian
Shevat 3, 5479 Hebrew, Lviv)
This information was published by the user Benjamen Kretz. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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