Meir Rossiyanski
Meir Rossiyanski
18051805 Gregorian
1804 Julian
5565 Hebrew Jurbarkas, Lithuania - Parents
- Partners
- Children
![Meir Rossiyanski](/w/images/e/e3/I1877864863.png?20130404143010)
Владеет кирпичным двухэтажным домом в Ковно. Вся его семья переезжает в Ковно после 1842 года.
Information source
Переписи по Литве
Family tree
(17741774 Gregorian
1773 Julian
5534 Hebrew, Raseiniai - before 1835before 1835 Gregorian
before 1834 Julian
before 5595 Hebrew)
(18071807 Gregorian
1806 Julian
5567 Hebrew - May 2, 1879May 2, 1879 Gregorian
April 20, 1879 Julian
Iyar 9, 5639 Hebrew, Kaunas)
(18301830 Gregorian
1829 Julian
5590 Hebrew, Jurbarkas - 18911891 Gregorian
1890 Julian
5651 Hebrew, Moskva)
This information was published by the user Benjamen Kretz. The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of this information. If you have any questions, please contact author. In cases of dispute, please contact us.
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