What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

Kohelet 1:9

Aimee Louise Cauer (Mendelssohn)

Aimee Louise Cauer (Mendelssohn)

Aimee Louise Cauer (Mendelssohn)
  • Comments
    вышла замуж за Вильгельма Мендельсона, двоюродного брата композитора Феликса Мендельсона; ее сын был композитор Арнольд Мендельсон.
  • Information source
    немецкая википедия Людвиг Кауэр


Family tree

Aimee Louise Cauer (Mendelssohn)

(after 1812after 1812 Gregorian
after 1811 Julian
after 5572 Hebrew
- )

(March 22, 1792March 22, 1792 Gregorian
March 11, 1792 Julian
Adar 28, 5552 Hebrew
- September 24, 1834September 24, 1834 Gregorian
September 12, 1834 Julian
Elul 20, 5594 Hebrew

(September 12, 1794September 12, 1794 Gregorian
September 1, 1794 Julian
Elul 17, 5554 Hebrew
, Берлин - 18691869 Gregorian
1868 Julian
5629 Hebrew

(June 20, 1821June 20, 1821 Gregorian
June 8, 1821 Julian
Sivan 20, 5581 Hebrew
, Sileziya - September 14, 1866September 14, 1866 Gregorian
September 2, 1866 Julian
Tishrei 5, 5627 Hebrew
, Ratibor)

(18551855 Gregorian
1854 Julian
5615 Hebrew
- 19331933 Gregorian
1932 Julian
5693 Hebrew


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