One man's candle is light for many.

Talmud, Shabbat

Irina Eykelʹman (Shatzman)

Irina Eykelʹman (Shatzman)

Irina Eykelʹman (Shatzman)


Family tree

Irina Eykelʹman (Shatzman)

(19461946 Gregorian
1945 Julian
5706 Hebrew
- )

(May 3, 1918May 3, 1918 Gregorian
April 20, 1918 Julian
Iyar 21, 5678 Hebrew
- December 30, 2006December 30, 2006 Gregorian
December 17, 2006 Julian
Teveth 9, 5767 Hebrew

(December 1, 1924December 1, 1924 Gregorian
November 18, 1924 Julian
Kislev 4, 5685 Hebrew
, Proskurov - September 11, 2018September 11, 2018 Gregorian
August 29, 2018 Julian
Tishrei 2, 5779 Hebrew

(about 1940about 1940 Gregorian
about 1939 Julian
about 5700 Hebrew
- )

(July 29, 1978July 29, 1978 Gregorian
July 16, 1978 Julian
Tammuz 24, 5738 Hebrew
- )


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