Whatever your hand attains to do, - do.

Kohelet 9:10

Polina Mamicheva

Polina Mamicheva

  • Occupation types
    Artistic activity –
    activity related to art.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • painter,
    • poet,
    • composer,
    • writer, etc.
  • Comments
    Балерина и художница, происходила из старообрядческой московской купеческой семьи. Имя отца Николай. Брак состоялся в 1915 году и продолжался 63 года.


Family tree

Polina Mamicheva

(18941894 Gregorian
1893 Julian
5654 Hebrew
- 19781978 Gregorian
1977 Julian
5738 Hebrew

(April 21, 1887April 21, 1887 Gregorian
April 9, 1887 Julian
Nisan 27, 5647 Hebrew
, Yelisavetgrad - January 10, 1979January 10, 1979 Gregorian
December 28, 1978 Julian
Teveth 11, 5739 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(19231923 Gregorian
1922 Julian
5683 Hebrew
- September 26, 1966September 26, 1966 Gregorian
September 13, 1966 Julian
Tishrei 12, 5727 Hebrew
, Druskeniki)


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