Man knows more than he understands

Alfred Adler

Ilya Ehrenburg

Ilya Ehrenburg

  • Occupation types
    Artistic activity –
    activity related to art.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • painter,
    • poet,
    • composer,
    • writer, etc.
  • Comments
    Советский писатель, поэт, переводчик с французского и испанского языков, публицист, фотограф и общественный деятель. Дядя Григория Козинцева и Любови Козинцевой. Потомок Шнеура Залмана, основателя ХАБАДА. Эту его генеологию построил научный сотрудник Тель-Авивского университета Авраам Бик.
  • Information source

Family tree

Ilya Ehrenburg

(January 15, 1891January 15, 1891 Gregorian
January 3, 1891 Julian
Shevat 6, 5651 Hebrew
, Kiev - August 31, 1967August 31, 1967 Gregorian
August 18, 1967 Julian
Av 25, 5727 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(18521852 Gregorian
1851 Julian
5612 Hebrew
- 19211921 Gregorian
1920 Julian
5681 Hebrew

(18571857 Gregorian
1856 Julian
5617 Hebrew
- 19181918 Gregorian
1917 Julian
5678 Hebrew
, Poltava)

(18891889 Gregorian
1888 Julian
5649 Hebrew
- 19771977 Gregorian
1976 Julian
5737 Hebrew

(March 25, 1911March 25, 1911 Gregorian
March 12, 1911 Julian
Adar 25, 5671 Hebrew
, Nice - June 17, 1997June 17, 1997 Gregorian
June 4, 1997 Julian
Sivan 12, 5757 Hebrew
, Moscow)

(19001900 Gregorian
1899 Julian
5660 Hebrew
, Kiev - 19701970 Gregorian
1969 Julian
5730 Hebrew
, Moscow)


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