Whatever your hand attains to do, - do.

Kohelet 9:10

Frida Derenkovskaya (Veshnivetskaya)

Frida Derenkovskaya (Veshnivetskaya)

Frida Derenkovskaya (Veshnivetskaya)


Family tree

Frida Derenkovskaya (Veshnivetskaya)

(19201920 Gregorian
1919 Julian
5680 Hebrew
, Bobrinec - February 8, 2000February 8, 2000 Gregorian
January 26, 2000 Julian
Adar 2, 5760 Hebrew
, Aleksandriya Kirovogradskaya Obl.)

(18941894 Gregorian
1893 Julian
5654 Hebrew
, Bobrinec - 19771977 Gregorian
1976 Julian
5737 Hebrew
, Yelisavetgrad)

(18951895 Gregorian
1894 Julian
5655 Hebrew
, Bobrinec - May 15, 1963May 15, 1963 Gregorian
May 2, 1963 Julian
Iyar 21, 5723 Hebrew

(August 20, 1922August 20, 1922 Gregorian
August 7, 1922 Julian
Av 26, 5682 Hebrew
, Kopki - March 16, 1942March 16, 1942 Gregorian
March 3, 1942 Julian
Adar 27, 5702 Hebrew
, Yelisavetgrad)

(about 1950about 1950 Gregorian
about 1949 Julian
about 5710 Hebrew
- )

(19141914 Gregorian
1913 Julian
5674 Hebrew
, Bobrinets - 19831983 Gregorian
1982 Julian
5743 Hebrew


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