Each people has as much heaven over its head as it has land under its feet.

Hayyim Nahman Bialik

Vladimir Joffe

Vladimir Joffe

  • Living places
  • Occupation types
    Technical activity –
    activity directed to the resolution of technological problems, in the broad sense.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • engineer,
    • technical designer,
    • technologist,
    • agriculturalist, etc.


Family tree

Vladimir Joffe

(October 22, 1936October 22, 1936 Gregorian
October 9, 1936 Julian
Cheshvan 6, 5697 Hebrew
, Kiyv - after January 7, 2006after January 7, 2006 Gregorian
after December 25, 2005 Julian
after Teveth 7, 5766 Hebrew
, Penza)

(about 1908about 1908 Gregorian
about 1907 Julian
about 5668 Hebrew
, Lepel - 19441944 Gregorian
1943 Julian
5704 Hebrew

( - 19611961 Gregorian
1960 Julian
5721 Hebrew

(before 1702before 1702 Gregorian
before 1701 Julian
before 5462 Hebrew
- )

(June 4, 1936June 4, 1936 Gregorian
May 22, 1936 Julian
Sivan 14, 5696 Hebrew
, Gomel - )

(November 24, 1961November 24, 1961 Gregorian
November 11, 1961 Julian
Kislev 16, 5722 Hebrew
, Penza - )

(August 10, 1965August 10, 1965 Gregorian
July 28, 1965 Julian
Av 12, 5725 Hebrew
, Penza - )


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