Where they burn books, at the end they also burn people

Heinrich Heine

Donald Edwin Lewis Samuel

Donald Edwin Lewis Samuel

Donald Edwin Lewis Samuel


Family tree

Donald Edwin Lewis Samuel

(July 19, 1903July 19, 1903 Gregorian
July 6, 1903 Julian
Tammuz 24, 5663 Hebrew
, London - 19861986 Gregorian
1985 Julian
5746 Hebrew

(March 5, 1858March 5, 1858 Gregorian
February 21, 1858 Julian
Adar 19, 5618 Hebrew
, Liverpool - May 30, 1909May 30, 1909 Gregorian
May 17, 1909 Julian
Sivan 10, 5669 Hebrew

(May 11, 1877May 11, 1877 Gregorian
April 29, 1877 Julian
Iyar 28, 5637 Hebrew
- December 1, 1935December 1, 1935 Gregorian
November 18, 1935 Julian
Kislev 5, 5696 Hebrew

(July 10, 1936July 10, 1936 Gregorian
June 27, 1936 Julian
Tammuz 20, 5696 Hebrew
, London - )

(19391939 Gregorian
1938 Julian
5699 Hebrew
- )

(March 17, 1943March 17, 1943 Gregorian
March 4, 1943 Julian
Adar_2 10, 5703 Hebrew
, United Kingdom - )

(July 24, 1946July 24, 1946 Gregorian
July 11, 1946 Julian
Tammuz 25, 5706 Hebrew
, United Kingdom - )


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