Rima Korisch
Rima Korisch
19311931 Gregorian
1930 Julian
5691 Hebrew -
- Parents
Family tree
(March 8, 1904March 8, 1904 Gregorian
February 24, 1904 Julian
Adar 21, 5664 Hebrew, Pogost, Hlusk Raion - August 21, 1985August 21, 1985 Gregorian
August 8, 1985 Julian
Elul 4, 5745 Hebrew)
(February 27, 1905February 27, 1905 Gregorian
February 14, 1905 Julian
Adar 22, 5665 Hebrew - February 12, 1998February 12, 1998 Gregorian
January 30, 1998 Julian
Shevat 16, 5758 Hebrew)
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