The man who cannot survive bad times will not see good times.

Hasidic Proverb

Veronica Sara Frumet Wertheimer

Veronica Sara Frumet Wertheimer

Veronica Sara Frumet Wertheimer


Family tree

Veronica Sara Frumet Wertheimer

(17181718 Gregorian
1717 Julian
5478 Hebrew
- May 24, 1781May 24, 1781 Gregorian
May 13, 1781 Julian
Iyar 29, 5541 Hebrew
, Vienna)

(16811681 Gregorian
1680 Julian
5441 Hebrew
, Worms - January 12, 1765January 12, 1765 Gregorian
January 1, 1765 Julian
Teveth 19, 5525 Hebrew
, Munich)

(17181718 Gregorian
1717 Julian
5478 Hebrew
- 17611761 Gregorian
1760 Julian
5521 Hebrew
, Vienna)

(17501750 Gregorian
1749 Julian
5510 Hebrew
, Regensburg - )

( - December 13, 1780December 13, 1780 Gregorian
December 2, 1780 Julian
Kislev 15, 5541 Hebrew


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