When the shepherd becomes angry with his flock he appoints for a leader one which is blind.

Baba Kamma 52a

Beila Isabel Goldsmid

Beila Isabel Goldsmid

Beila Isabel Goldsmid


Family tree

Beila Isabel Goldsmid

(17881788 Gregorian
1787 Julian
5548 Hebrew
- 18601860 Gregorian
1859 Julian
5620 Hebrew

(about 1756about 1756 Gregorian
about 1755 Julian
about 5516 Hebrew
- 18101810 Gregorian
1809 Julian
5570 Hebrew
, London)

(January 13, 1778January 13, 1778 Gregorian
January 2, 1778 Julian
Teveth 14, 5538 Hebrew
, London - April 27, 1859April 27, 1859 Gregorian
April 15, 1859 Julian
Nisan 23, 5619 Hebrew
, London)

(May 1, 1808May 1, 1808 Gregorian
April 19, 1808 Julian
Iyar 4, 5568 Hebrew
, London - May 2, 1878May 2, 1878 Gregorian
April 20, 1878 Julian
Nisan 29, 5638 Hebrew

(18121812 Gregorian
1811 Julian
5572 Hebrew
- )

(18191819 Gregorian
1818 Julian
5579 Hebrew
, London - 19021902 Gregorian
1901 Julian
5662 Hebrew


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