From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back. That is the point that must be reached.

Franz Kafka

Edelstein clan


Family name origin

Last name spellings

  • Adlestein
  • Edelshtejn
  • Edelstein
  • Edelsten
  • Edelstien
  • Edelsztejn
  • Eidelstein
  • Eydelshteyn
  • Idelshtein
  • Эделштейн
  • Эдельштейн
  • Эйдельштейн
  • אדלשטיין
  • אדלשטין
  • אידלשטיין
  • איידלשטיין
  • Eidelsztein
  • Edelshtien
  • Эделстейн

History and comments


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