So long a man imagines that he cannot do this or that, so long it is impossible to him.

Baruch Spinoza

Frank clan


Family name origin

Last name spellings

  • Franck
  • Frank
  • Франк
  • פראנק
  • פרנק

History and comments

About family Frank

Sigismund Frank was born in Krefeld Germany in the year of Revolutions, 1848.  He became a banker and on September 3, 1883 married the beautiful Lina Rothschild.  Her parents were Salomon and Jeannette Rothschild of Hanau.  They had a fine life together in Stuttgart for a time.  They had four children the fist of whom became, despite his fathers objections, a famous author and poet.  That was Bruno Frank, later came his sibling Helmuth, Lothar and Ruth.  Bruno left Germany, where he and my...

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