Neurosis is the inability to tolerate ambiguity
Sigmund Freud
(19121912 Gregorian1911 Julian5672 Hebrew - 19891989 Gregorian1988 Julian5749 Hebrew)
(18831883 Gregorian1882 Julian5643 Hebrew, Kerch - 19671967 Gregorian1966 Julian5727 Hebrew)
(June 14, 1879June 14, 1879 GregorianJune 2, 1879 JulianSivan 23, 5639 Hebrew, Днепр - June 13, 1952June 13, 1952 GregorianMay 31, 1952 JulianSivan 20, 5712 Hebrew, Haifa)
(18771877 Gregorian1876 Julian5637 Hebrew - 19651965 Gregorian1964 Julian5725 Hebrew)
(about 1883about 1883 Gregorianabout 1882 Julianabout 5643 Hebrew - )
(19161916 Gregorian1915 Julian5676 Hebrew - 19961996 Gregorian1995 Julian5756 Hebrew)
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