A name made great is a name destroyed. He who does not increase his knowledge decreases it

Hillel the Elder

Piotr Efron - Family tree

Piotr Efron

  • Birth: 1883 Switzerland
  • Death: 1914 Moscow, Russia
  • Age: 30
  • Occupation types: Social
    Social activity –
    activity connected with active work in society.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • politicians,
    • educators,
    • social activists,
    • rabbis, etc.
    Artistic activity –
    activity related to art.

    This type of activity includes following professions:

    • painter,
    • poet,
    • composer,
    • writer, etc.
  • Comments: член партии эсеров, эсер-максималист, участник ряда экспроприаций банков,дружинник во время Московского вооруженного восстания, актер.С 1907 по 1913 гг. скрывался за границей. Актер.

Piotr Efron

(1883, Switzerland - 1914, Moscow)

(1854, Kaunas - 1909, Paris)

(about 1821, Kajdanovo - February 9, 1899, Kaunas)

(1781 - 1848)

(1734 - about 1812)

(about 1704 - )

(1783 - )

(1768 - 1837)

(1826 - )

(about 1853 - )

(February 8, 1860, Vilno - )

(1849 - 1925, Serbia)

(May 18, 1863, Vilno - )

(1855, Vilno - October 13, 1881, Vilno)

(1853 - 1910, Paris)

(about 1908 - about 1909)

(October 11, 1893, Moscow - October 16, 1941, Kommunarka, Mosk. Obl.)

(September 26, 1892, Moscow - October, 1941, Yelabuga)

(September 5, 1912, Moscow - July 26, 1975, Tarusa)

(April 17, 1917 - February 16, 1920)

(February 1, 1925, Prague - July 7, 1944)

(1883, Switzerland - 1971)

(1877 - 1938)

(1909 - 1982, Pavlovsk)

(1939 - 1941, Kotelnich)

(August 16, 1910 - January 24, 2002, Saint Petersburg)

(August 29, 1934 - August 3, 2013, Saint Petersburg)

(1985, Switzerland - 1976, Moscow)

(about 1897 - 1910, Paris)

(1889 - 1945)

(February 9, 1885, Moscow - February 20, 1939, Moscow)

(May 12, 1921, Moscow - 2008)

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