The man who cannot survive bad times will not see good times.

Hasidic Proverb

Sol Moshe Feigenholz - Family tree

Sol Moshe Feigenholz

Sol  Moshe  Feigenholz
  • Birth: 1856 Belogorodka, Ukraine
  • Death: 1936 Rok-Aylend, Usa
  • Age: 79
  • Tags: Jewish,
  • Information source:

Sol Moshe Feigenholz

(1856, Belogorodka - 1936, Rok-Aylend)

(Russian Empire - )

(Russian Empire - )

(1867, Belogorodka - 1919, Kuk, Illinoys)

(1893, New York - 1962, Chikago)

(1893, Illinojs - 1981, Evanston)

(1915, Kuk, Illinoys - 2008, San-Diego)

(1918, Chikago - 2006, San-Diego)

(1854, Belogorodka - 1920, Chikago)

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