Take no heed of all the words that they speak, lest you hear your servant curse you.

Kohelet 7:21

Do e-cigarettes stain your teeth?

 Many use the e-cigarette to quit smoking, ignoring the effects on oral health. Is it true that e-cigarettes stain teeth and increase tartar?

The damages of smoking on oral health are many; the most visible is certainly the progressive yellowing of the teeth. Even if this aesthetic defect can be solved with a cleaning and a dental whitening, the results obtained cannot have a long duration if you continue to smoke. To overcome this problem, many decide to stop smoking using electronic cigarettes, but is it possible to say with absolute certainty that this has no effect on the color of the enamel?

Vaping has become increasingly popular over the years, with many people turning to e-cigarettes as an alternative to traditional smoking. However, some individuals wonder if vaping can stain their teeth and can dentist tell if you vape. Let’s explore!

Why cigarettes stain teeth

Substances in cigarettes, such as nicotine and tar, stain teeth. Furthermore, it is easy for smokers to experience an increase in tartar sediments.

The presence of plaque and tartar on the teeth makes the dental surface rougher, favoring the adhesion of the pigmenting substances from the combustion of cigarettes and causing the teeth to take on a brownish color.

If you are wondering what to do either “when I am experiencing any discomfort” or “my teeth feel weird after vaping,” it is essential to visit your dentist for a check-up. Your dentist can help identify any potential oral health issues and provide guidance on how to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Can a dentist identify if you vape or not?

Are you looking for the answer to the question, “can my dentist tell if Ivape”? While there is no evidence to suggest that vaping causes teeth staining, it can still have an impact on your oral health. Your dentist may be able to tell if you vape by examining your teeth and gums for signs of irritation or inflammation.

How to whiten teeth yellowed by smoking

To return the teeth to their original color, smokers must first undergo a cleaning of the teeth and the application of the Airflow, a jet of water and bicarbonate powder that eliminates smoke stains on the teeth; then they move on to professional teeth whitening to change the color of the teeth themselves.

This occurs by exploiting peroxides, which are able to oxidize the chemical bonds of the substances responsible for the coloring of the teeth themselves. Two types of treatments can be followed:

In the dentist’s chair – It doesn’t last long and works after just one session.
Home care – Silicone masks for the night, visible results after a few days.
The only precaution for those who smoke is to undergo check-ups and cleanings at the dentist more frequently- at least once every three months.

How to keep teeth white after whitening

Under normal conditions, professional whitening can last up to a year; this does not apply to those who use cigarettes after whitening. Smokers will have to deal with yellow teeth much sooner. Not to mention how many other damages smoking can cause.

The article is about these people: Dentist Diary

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