- הורים
תחום העיסוק
תחום חברתיSocial activity –תחום אינטלקטואלי / מדעי
activity connected with active work in society.This type of activity includes following professions:
- politicians,
- educators,
- social activists,
- rabbis, etc.
Scholarly activity -
activity related to the expansion of the limits of knowledge.This type of activity includes following areas:
- science,
- philosophy,
- theology, etc.
Marvin Schick received smicha from the Rabbi Jacob Joseph School and his doctorate from New York University. He taught constitutional law for many years at the City University of New York and the New School for Social Research, authoring Learned Hand's Court, which was published by Johns Hopkins University Press. Schick served as Administrative Assistant to Mayor John V. Lindsay of New York City and has held a number of communal positions. He has been active in Jewish communal life for more than half a century. For thirty-three years he has served as president of the Rabbi Jacob Joseph School , a voluntary position. Schick has written extensively about Jewish affairs.
מקור מידע
Йонатан Даниэль Шик
Family tree
מידע זה פורסם על ידי המשתמש
יצחק פוקסון. הנהלת האתר אינה אחראית לתוכנו של המידע הזה. אם יש לך שאלות, בבקשה ליצור קשר עם תורם המידע. במקרים של מחלוקת, אנא פנה אלינו.

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