Ilya Pakman
Ilya Pakman
מרץ 6, 1982מרץ 6, 1982 רגיל
פברואר 21, 1982 יל
יא אדר ה תשמב עברי מינסק, בלארוס -
- מקום מגורים נוכחי
- Living places
תחום העיסוק
מקצועות טכנייםTechnical activity –פעילות הייצור
activity directed to the resolution of technological problems, in the broad sense.This type of activity includes following professions:
- engineer,
- technical designer,
- technologist,
- agriculturalist, etc.
Production activity –אומנויות
product-oriented activity.This type of activity includes following professions:
- craftsman,
- skilled worker,
- farmer, etc.
Artistic activity –
activity related to art.This type of activity includes following professions:
- painter,
- poet,
- composer,
- writer, etc.
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