Liliane Elisabeth Victoire Fould-Springer

Liliane Elisabeth Victoire Fould-Springer

  • הערות
    Baroness Liliane de Rothschild, the wife of Baron Elie de Rothschild, an art collector, philanthropist and meticulous caretaker of the history of the family she married into, died on Feb. 17 in her home in Royaumont, outside Paris. She was 86. Her husband, a member of the French branch of the Rothschilds, was a skilled polo player and is reputedly the family's foremost wine connoisseur and a widely knowledgeable collector of art. But as much as the baron exemplifies the family's grand style, he once said his wife was the family member most steeped in family history, tradition and élan. In Derek Wilson's book ''Rothschild: the Wealth and Power of a Dynasty,'' the baron said his wife was more Rothschild than the Rothschilds. Liliane Fould-Springer was born on May 11, 1916. She was part of a rival French financial family, a great-niece of Achille Fould, the rival of James Rothschild in the mid-19th century. Mr. Fould's financial house, Crédit Mobilier, had threatened to smash the Rothschild supremacy, but in the end lost out to the family.


Family tree

Liliane Elisabeth Victoire Fould-Springer

(מאי 11, 1916מאי 11, 1916 רגיל
אפריל 28, 1916 יל
ח אייר ה תרעו עברי
, פריז - פברואר 17, 2003פברואר 17, 2003 רגיל
פברואר 4, 2003 יל
טו אדר ה תשסג עברי
, Royaumont Abbey)

(אוגוסט 14, 1876אוגוסט 14, 1876 רגיל
אוגוסט 2, 1876 יל
כד אב ה תרלו עברי
, Ville-D'avray - 19291929 רגיל
1928 יל
ה תרפט עברי
, Shanghai)

(מאי 29, 1917מאי 29, 1917 רגיל
מאי 16, 1917 יל
ח סיוון ה תרעז עברי
, פריז - אוגוסט 6, 2007אוגוסט 6, 2007 רגיל
יולי 24, 2007 יל
כב אב ה תשסז עברי
, Scharnitz)

(19461946 רגיל
1945 יל
ה תשו עברי
- )

(19471947 רגיל
1946 יל
ה תשז עברי
- )

(19521952 רגיל
1951 יל
ה תשיב עברי
- )

(19791979 רגיל
1978 יל
ה תשלט עברי
- )


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