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6 Tips on How to Live with a Host Family English

 re might be some bumps in the road and it will take time to adjust. When people live together the things that happen you’ll get to know. With your temporary family, to get the most out of your time, check out our 6 tips. With your permanent family, you might even be able to use some of them, who knows!

Bring a Gift
When it comes to icebreakers, gifts are awesome. A little souvenir from your home country will give you some major brownie points, and you don’t have to spend a fortune. What an awesome Host Family In Ireland gift to get. And your host family will remember you always, through this gift.

Be open and communicate
Tell your host family if you don’t like seafood, are allergic to peanuts, and have a fear of dogs. From your paperwork, they should know the most important facts about you. But when it comes to health issues some things cannot be stressed enough. Before you sit at the table and everyone is staring at you poking around in your food, it’s better to discuss culinary preferences or dietary restrictions.

Respect their schedule
You’re still part of this family even though you paid for your stay. So you should respect their curfews and schedules. Make sure you are on time, if the meals are at 7 p.m. arrive for the meal at 7p.m.. Let your host family know ahead of time if you are not available for family activities or meals. Tell them if you missed your bus and will be home late. They still worry about you even though they are not your parents. It is as if your real parents are caring for you.

Attend family meals
Across cultures, it’s a great social lubricant but always remember that food brings people together. Food is a fantastic way to get to know people. Picking up the language and practicing your conversation skills just by sitting around a dinner table is a really fun way to learn. Feel free to prepare something from your home country if you know how to cook. You should take this cultural exchange to the next level.

Get to know your host family
Take a keen interest in what your host family eats, does for fun, and what the individual members work or study at. Be curious, ask questions, and try to learn about and from them. This is the best way to practice your vocabulary and discover a different culture. With your Host Family Dublin, don’t force a relationship and respect their personal space.

Accept the differences
From the different foods to the new house rules, that are not the same as back home, you will probably have to get used to some differences. As long as you are enjoying the experience, this is a good thing and part of the learning process. Things are done in different ways around the world. If you want to expand your horizons then accept and notice cultural differences.

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