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Common Foot Issues That a Podiatrist Can Resolve

 Our feet bear a considerable amount of pressure throughout the day. Therefore, it is normal to experience foot issues. A strenuous day at work may lead to heel pain at night, though such kind of discomfort can resolve on its own.

Sometimes, wearing ill-fitted shoes can also lead to significant pain. If left untreated, it may lead to foot deformities. Therefore, wearing the right shoes and addressing the pain-causing factors is important. All kinds of foot and ankle pain can be treated by a qualified podiatrist. Today’s post highlights why it is important to seek treatment for foot conditions in a timely manner and the common foot issues which can be resolved by a podiatrist.

Why should foot issues not be ignored?

Foot issues are very common, studies even suggest that over 75% of the population will experience some kind of foot problem during their lifetime. From minor discomfort to severe debilitating pain, there is a vast range of foot issues. Timely treatment is essential to avoid future complications.

For instance, it is best to get rid of foot ulcers at the earliest, otherwise, there is a risk of foot amputations. Foot care is not just essential for diabetics. Foot and Ankle Fracturesare common in athletes, though routine visits to a podiatrist can be helpful in strengthening the joints and using the right kind of footwear to prevent such injuries or fractures.

Who is a podiatrist and what do they do?

Podiatrists are trained medical professionals who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of foot related conditions. If an individual is suffering from foot and ankle pain, then the extensive training and education of a podiatrist can be leveraged to get rid of the pain and improve the quality of life.

Podiatrists are qualified to treat a range of foot related issues which include deformities, skin and nail conditions as well as Sports Injuries treatment. Moreover, podiatrists can also educate patients to reduce the risk of foot issues. Below is a brief discussion of the conditions treated by a foot doctor.

Common foot issues treated by a podiatrist

Plantar fasciitis: Podiatrists offer a personalized heel pain treatment plan for this condition. Plantar fascia is the thick band of tissue between the heel and the toe. Overuse or other reasons lead to inflamed plantar fascia which can be treated efficiently by a podiatrist. Based on the severity of the condition, your foot doctor can prescribe painrelievers, cortisone injections, foot orthoses or manual foot therapy.
Heel pain: Over exertion and poorly fitted shoes often lead to Achilles tendonitis, heel spurs and bursitis. The treatment modalities available at a podiatrist’s office for heel pain include custom orthotics, stretching exercises, surgeries and shockwave therapy.
Bunions: Painful bony growths around the big toe are common. It even causes walking difficulties. Schedule an appointment with a podiatrist to get a suitable treatment which might involve bunion pads, splints, special footwear, orthotics or medications.
Corns and calluses:Repeated friction or excessive pressure leads to the thickening of the skin and the formation of painful corns and calluses. Podiatrists can safely remove these lesions and provide footcare education to prevent the likelihood of recurrence.
Ingrown toenails:When toenails curl and grow back into the skin, the painful condition is referred to as ingrown toenails. Swollen, red or infectious toenails should not be treated at home. In fact, the safest solution is to visit a podiatrist at the earliest. A podiatrist performs partial or total nail avulsion to remove the affected part of the toenail. Professional treatment is also good for preventing recurrence.
Fungal toenails:Infected toenails become thick, crumbly and discolored. Delaying the treatment can also lead to walking difficulties and the fungus growth can spread to the surrounding toenails. An appointment with a podiatrist is best to get rid of the hard to kill fungi. Along with conventional treatments of topical and oral medication, a podiatrist is also trained to perform laser therapy for effective and faster treatment of fungal toenails.
Diabetic foot:Podiatrists are trained professionals who help diabetics in preventing foot related complications. A diabetic should pay routine visits at a podiatry clinic for effective diabetic foot care, which involves routine foot exams, nerve damage assessments, wound care, footwear advice, and custom orthotics prescription.
Sports injuries: Foot issues are common in physically active individuals. Athletes are often seen struggling with sprained ankles or stress fractures. A podiatrist can perform foot and ankle surgeries and also guide an athlete to regain strength and reduce the likelihood of future injuries. Sports podiatry services include a range of treatment modalities for mobility issues as well as footwear guidance for improved athletic performance.

What are the benefits of routine podiatrist visits?

Early detection and preventive care are the two most important reasons to schedule routine appointments at a podiatry clinic. These experts can thoroughly examine your foot and identify potential foot issues. Timely detection is best to prevent foot related complications. Moreover, footwear guidance and footcare education provided by a podiatrist is also beneficial to lead a healthy and pain-free life.

How often should you see a podiatrist?

Individuals experiencing a foot issue should resist the urge to treat the condition on their own. Immediate consultation with a podiatrist is helpful in preventing the risk of complications.

Moreover, in case of pre-existing foot conditions annual visits to a podiatrist are highly recommended. Early detection and prevention of potential foot problems are especially helpful for athletes as well as diabetics.


Foot issues are very common and therefore most people tend to ignore the importance of timely treatment. Delaying the treatment leads to severe foot complications. Hence, take good care of your feet and ensure overall well-being. Make an appointment at the Orange County Foot and Ankle Group if you want to see the best podiatrist in Tustin. They are highly experienced and offer personalized treatment for the above listed foot issues.

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