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Coping with ingrown toenails: Day-to-day care and more

 Ingrown toenails is a condition that varies in symptoms. Some patients experience mild discomfort, while for some the curled toenails can lead to severe pain and infection. Immediate consultation with a foot doctor is highly recommended to avoid serious complications like bone infection and foot deformities.

Seeking medical attention is important because when left untreated the ingrown toenails can cause infection, swelling, and inflammation around the area which leads to walking difficulties. It is assumed widely that the pain caused by an ingrown toenail can go on its own. Indeed, the pain subsides and the toenail can grow naturally in mild cases, however, it doesn’t take long enough for mild cases to turn into severe cases. Therefore, in-depth education is necessary for people who are prone to ingrown toenails.

This post covers useful information about the recommended day-to-day care practices and treatment options for ingrown toenails.

What causes ingrown toenails?

When the toenail grows into the surrounding skin instead of growing over it, the condition is known as ingrown toenails. The condition usually affects the big toe and it is caused by a number of factors, such as ill-fitted shoes, injured toes or toenails that are trimmed too short.

How to care for ingrown toenails at home?

It is important to care for your ingrown toenails on a day-to-day basis. Prepare a care regime to alleviate the pain and discomfort. Moreover, daily care is also recommended because it promotes healing and prevents the risk of infection. Here are some useful tips to care for ingrown toenails daily at home:

Reduce inflammation: Inflammation can worsen the situation and leads to walking difficulties. Hence, it is important to soften the skin around the toenail with the soaking method. It is suggested to soak the affected foot in warm water for 15-20 minutes twice or thrice a day.
Reduce pain: Ingrown toenails can cause severe pain and discomfort and the underlying cause is affected blood flow. Massaging the affected area daily for a few minutes can be helpful in relieving the pain and promoting blood flow.
Prevent infection: Make sure to keep the affected area clean and dry to reduce the risk of infection. Moisture can aggravate the condition, therefore, footwear and socks should be selected carefully. Pressure on the toenail can be reduced by wearing comfortable shoes with a wide toe box.
Over the counter treatment: Pain can be alleviated immediately with the help of otc antibiotic ointments and pain relievers. However, a daily dosage of medication is not safe unless it is prescribed by a medical professional.

In case the symptoms do not subside after following the above listed tips, schedule an appointment with a podiatrist.

When to see a podiatrist for ingrown toenail treatment?

Mild cases of ingrown toenails resolve on their own within a few days. If the nail doesn’t grow on its own within a week, an appointment with a podiatrist is highly recommended. Prompt and appropriate treatments are best to prevent infections and promote healing. An appointment with your podiatrist can speed up the healing process. Hence, timely consultation is best to reduce the risk of complications.

Schedule an appointment if any of the below listed symptoms are experienced at the affected site:

Difficulty in walking
Pus or fluid drainage
Foul odor
Chronic conditions

What are the treatment choices for ingrown toenails?

Ingrown toenails can be treated with surgical and non-surgical methods. A podiatrist is a foot doctor who offers a variety of treatments for ingrown toenails. Depending on the severity of the condition, the following treatment options are recommended:

Antibiotics:Antibiotics can be prescribed in case the affected sight becomes infected.
Nail trimming: A podiatrist can use special tools and techniques to trim the portion of the toenail which is causing pain and pressure.
Ingrown toenail surgery: The affected part can be removed surgically by a podiatrist. There are two types foot surgery for ingrown toenails. Partial nail removal and total nail removal. These surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis and the patient can resume their day-to-day schedule after the treatment. Follow up appointments are needed for dressing the wound.

Ingrown toenail surgeries are performed under local anesthesia. The procedure only takes 15-30 minutes to complete. Moreover, the recovery process is also smoother for this surgical method. Hence, it is important to seek immediate treatment to prevent further complications like foot deformities and severe infection.

How to prevent ingrown toenails?

Practice cutting the toenails perfectly to ensure that the nails can easily grow over the skin. In other words, toenails should be trimmed straight across, rounding the corners can cause ingrown toenails.

Seek footwear guidance from a podiatrist. Depending on the foot shape and size, one must wear properly fitted shoes. If any foot condition puts pressure on the toenail, the podiatrist may recommend orthotics to alleviate the pressure and prevent ingrown toenails.

Nail growth can be affected by fungal infections. Hence, it is very important to thoroughly clean the feet and keep them dry.


Regular care and maintaining foot hygiene standards can promote healing and treat the condition of ingrown toenails. However, at-home remedies are only suggested for mild cases. In case of severely inflamed or infected toenails, seek immediate medical attention. Schedule an appointment at Orange County Foot and Ankle Group to get your toenails treated by the best podiatrist in Tustin CA. The highly experienced and board certified podiatrist offers top-notch services for ingrown toenails, fungal toenails, sports injuries treatmentand various types of foot conditions.

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